- wasabi - ein bulle in japan [Action C]
- wargames [Action]
- very bad things [C]
- die verurteilten [D]
- underworld [Action, H, F]
- training day [Action, D]
- teuflisch [C]
- der sturm [Action, D, Abenteuer]
- stone cold [Action]
- stirb langsam 1-3 [Action]
- stigmata [H, T]
- sonnenallee [C]
- the sixth sense [T, D, H]
- signs - zeichen [S, D]
- shogun [D, R]
- samurai fiction [Action, C]
- rocky 1-4 [Action, D]
- rent a man [C]
- red heat [Action, C]
- pulp fiction (der ist pflicht) [T, Action, C]
- princess blade [Action, Kampfkunst, S]
- predator 1-2 [Action, S, H]
- pierre richard: der grosse blonde mit dem schwarzen schuh 1-2 [C]
- payback - zahltag [Action, T]
- der patriot [Action, D]
- pakt der wölfe [Action, H]
- outbreak - lautlose killer [Action, D, T]
- ong bak [Action, Kampfkunst]
- okami 1-6 [Kampfkunst]
- monty python (alle filme) [C]
- man on fire [Action, D]
- leon - der profi [Action, D, T]
- last samurai [Abenteuer, D]
- last man standing [Action]
- knockin' on heaven's door [Action, C, D]
- knockaround guys [Action, T]
- kill bill vol. 1 (japan version full color) [Action, Kampfkunst]
- die jugger [Action, S]
- harakiri [D, Kampfkunst]
- guest house paradiso [C]
- good bye, lenin! [C, D]
- gods army 1-3 [H, T]
- das glücksprinzip [D]
- goldrausch (charlie chaplin) [C]
- gladiator [Abenteuer, Action, D]
- galaxy quest [C, S]
- das fünfte element [Action, S]
- from dusk till dawn [Action, H]
- das fliegende auge [Action]
- fletcher's visionen [Action, T]
- final destination 1-2 [T, H]
- fight club [D]
- der eisbär [Action, C, T]
- dämon [H, T]
- duell - enemy at the gates [D]
- dogma [F, C]
- detroit rock city [C]
- desperado [Action]
- cyborg [Action, S, Kampfkunst]
- crying freeman - der sohn des drachen [Action, T]
- constantine [Action, D, F]
- braveheart [Action, Abenteuer, D]
- die bourne identität 1-2 [Action, T]
- bound - gefesselt [T]
- der blutige pfad gottes [Action, C]
- die blechtrommel [D]
- die akte jane [Action, T]
- 13 geister [H]
das sind nur einige filme die man gesehen haben sollte
-= pillepalle =-
- wasabi - ein bulle in japan [Action C]
- wargames [Action]
- very bad things [C]
- die verurteilten [D]
- underworld [Action, H, F]
- training day [Action, D]
- teuflisch [C]
- der sturm [Action, D, Abenteuer]
- stone cold [Action]
- stirb langsam 1-3 [Action]
- stigmata [H, T]
- sonnenallee [C]
- the sixth sense [T, D, H]
- signs - zeichen [S, D]
- shogun [D, R]
- samurai fiction [Action, C]
- rocky 1-4 [Action, D]
- rent a man [C]
- red heat [Action, C]
- pulp fiction (der ist pflicht) [T, Action, C]
- princess blade [Action, Kampfkunst, S]
- predator 1-2 [Action, S, H]
- pierre richard: der grosse blonde mit dem schwarzen schuh 1-2 [C]
- payback - zahltag [Action, T]
- der patriot [Action, D]
- pakt der wölfe [Action, H]
- outbreak - lautlose killer [Action, D, T]
- ong bak [Action, Kampfkunst]
- okami 1-6 [Kampfkunst]
- monty python (alle filme) [C]
- man on fire [Action, D]
- leon - der profi [Action, D, T]
- last samurai [Abenteuer, D]
- last man standing [Action]
- knockin' on heaven's door [Action, C, D]
- knockaround guys [Action, T]
- kill bill vol. 1 (japan version full color) [Action, Kampfkunst]
- die jugger [Action, S]
- harakiri [D, Kampfkunst]
- guest house paradiso [C]
- good bye, lenin! [C, D]
- gods army 1-3 [H, T]
- das glücksprinzip [D]
- goldrausch (charlie chaplin) [C]
- gladiator [Abenteuer, Action, D]
- galaxy quest [C, S]
- das fünfte element [Action, S]
- from dusk till dawn [Action, H]
- das fliegende auge [Action]
- fletcher's visionen [Action, T]
- final destination 1-2 [T, H]
- fight club [D]
- der eisbär [Action, C, T]
- dämon [H, T]
- duell - enemy at the gates [D]
- dogma [F, C]
- detroit rock city [C]
- desperado [Action]
- cyborg [Action, S, Kampfkunst]
- crying freeman - der sohn des drachen [Action, T]
- constantine [Action, D, F]
- braveheart [Action, Abenteuer, D]
- die bourne identität 1-2 [Action, T]
- bound - gefesselt [T]
- der blutige pfad gottes [Action, C]
- die blechtrommel [D]
- die akte jane [Action, T]
- 13 geister [H]
das sind nur einige filme die man gesehen haben sollte

-= pillepalle =-